Hyungseok joined the lab (master course). Welcome!
Youngryel and Jeehwan attended AGU Fall meeting at San Francisco.
The Ryu group attended The 4th International Winter School and Workshop on Climate/Environment Change at Ewha Womans University (Left). After the Winterschool, Ryu group had a dinner with Professor Jinkyu Hong’s group (Yonsei University) at Shinchon (Right)
The Ryu group had a 2012 farewell party. This was the first beer after lab meeting at SNU.
Jeehwan’s birthday (28 Dec 2012)
Andrew’s phenology review paper was published:
Richardson, A.D., Keenan, T.F., Migliavacca, M., Ryu, Y., Sonnentag, O., & Toomey, M. (2013). Climate change, phenology, and phenological control of vegetation feedbacks to the climate system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 169: 156-173
Youngryel visited Biometlab at UC Berkeley and gave a short lab seminar on his current projects. Dennis hosted a nice dinner at his home and Youngryel, Sebastian and Martin joined.
Ryu Lab celebrated the arrival of Li-6400 (photosynthesis/soil respiration measurement). This instrument will play a key role in carbon flux measurements at Seoul Forest Park.
Jeehwan made an amazing progress in digging-up to quantify carbon stock
Youngryel appeared in EOS for the recognition of 2011 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Global Biogeochemical Cycles. See here [PDF]
Youngryel had a short discussion with Rama Nemani (NASA Ames) at San Francisco Airport to run BESS on NASA NEX.
Youngryel attended the Heterotrophic Soil Respiration Workshop hosted by Mark Harmon at HJ Andrews Experimental Forest, Oregon State University.
Group dinner (16 Oct 2012)
Camera paper has been published in Remote Sensing of Environment!
Ryu, Y.*, Verfaillie, J., Macfarlane, C., Kobayashi, H., Sonnentag, O., Vargas, R., Ma, S., & Baldocchi, D.D. (2012). Continuous observation of tree leaf area index at ecosystem scale using upward-pointing digital cameras. Remote Sensing of Environment, 126, 116-125 [PDF]
Terrestrial LiDAR survey was conducted in the Seoul Forest Park. The 3D information on canopy structures will be used to quantify carbon stocks, water and carbon fluxes in the park.
Youngryel’s birthday (2012. 9)
Seungjun’s birthday
Camera paper has been accepted from Remote Sensing of Environment!
Ryu, Y.*, Verfaillie, J., MacFarlane, C., Kobayashi, H., Sonnentag, O., Vargas, R., Ma, S., & Baldocchi, D.D. (2012). Continuous observation of tree leaf area index at ecosystem scale using upward-pointing digital cameras. Remote Sensing of Environment, In press
Youngryel, Soohyun and Galam attended AOGS-AGU Joint Assembly in Singapore.
Group dinner with Woonggi(2012.8.8)
Youngryel accepted the invitation to join Editorial Board Members in Agricultural and Forest Meteorology.
Jeehwan and Woon-Ki started to dig out soil in the Seoul Forest Park! We aim to quantify soil carbon stock in the urban park.
Group dinner (2012.7.19)
Youngryel was recommended for “2011 Editors’ Citation for Excellence in Refereeing for Global Biogeochemical Cycles“!
Woong-Ki was awarded “Summer Research Internship Fellowship, CALS, SNU” and will join our group in this August.
Camera manuscript has been submited to RSE:
Ryu, Y.*, Verfaillie, J., MacFarlane, C., Kobayashi, H., Sonnentag, O., Vargas, R., Ma, S., & Baldocchi, D.D. (2012). Continuous observation of tree leaf area index at ecosystem scale using upward-pointing digital cameras. Remote Sensing of Environment, In review
Andrew’s phenology review manuscript has been submitted to AFM:
Richardson, A.D., Keenan, T.F., Migliavacca, M., Ryu, Y., Sonnentag, O., & Toomey, M. (2012). Climate change, phenology, and phenological control of vegetation feedbacks to the climate system. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, In review
Dr. Shin Nagai from JAMSTEC to develop collaborations with PEN-EYE phenology network
Dr. Donggill Kim from Hawassa University in Ethiopia to develop collaborations in installing LED and digital cameras in Ethiopia to monitor vegetation structure and fuctions
New grant proposal on quantifying carbon cycle in the Seoul Forest was awarded from Natioanl Research Foundation!! It is 200,000$ over the three years.
Seungjoon was awarded from Volunteer Research Program, CALS, Seoul National University. He will work on the impacts of elevated [CO2] on biophysical properties of leaves. Congratulations!!
The group members worked very hard to calibrate LED sensors against Ocean Optics hyperspectrometer.
Minseok, PhD student at Professor Joon Kim’s lab, joined the NRF Korea-Americas cooperation project.
Six digital cameras with two LED-sensors were installed at two Koflux sites in Gwangneung.
One manuscript on scattering effects on gap fraction estimates was submitted to Agricultural and Forest Meteorology:
Kobayashi, H., Ryu, Y*., Baldocchi, D.D., Welles, J.M., & Norman, J.M. (2012). On the correct estimation of gap fraction: how to remove scattered radiation in the gap fraction measurements? Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, In reivew (* corresponding author)
Jeehwan started his master course!
Seungjoon joined the group as a research internship.
Spectral response of LEDs was characterized owing to Professor Jangjoo Kim who runs organic LED research group at SNU.
Youngryel gave a talk at Department of Atmospheric Sciences, Yonsei University. The title was “Integration of near-surface and satellite remote sensing to monitor land-atmosphere interactions from plot to global scales”
Hyungseok’s Birthday (2012. 3. 22)
Group dinner at MapoSogeumGui (2012. 3. 8)
Youngryel attended AGU Chapman Conference for Remote Sensing and Terrestrial Water Cycles at Hawaii.
Youngryel attended ACEAS (Australian Centre for Ecological Analysis and Synthesis) meeting at Australia.
back row: Jason Beringer, Eva van Gorsel, Youngryel Ryu , Natasha Kljun, Dong Gill Kim, Matt Paget. front row(s): Chris Pickett-Heaps, Alfredo Huete, Alex Held, Damian Barrett, Pep Canadell, Brad Evans, Ying-Ping Wang (Photo by Allison Specht)
BESS paper ranked 1st in the “Most Popular” of Global Biogeochemical Cycles.
1st lab meeting!
Juwon visited UC Berkeley (Dennis Lab) to learn building LED and DCP sensors. This travel was supported by NRF Korea-US collaboration project.
Jeehwan Bae joined to our group. He is the first graduate student!! Welcome!
Jaehoon recorded the first alumni in our lab. Good luck with your new plan!